Ask the Doc

Illustration of woman displaying signs of age related memory loss and confusion, having put ice cream in the refrigerator. Alzheimer's disease connection

Is my increasing forgetfulness a sign of Alzheimer’s? By James Mastrianni, MD, PhD   Fact checked by Shannon Sparks     Q: I woke up this morning and saw that I had put the ice cream in the fridge. Am I on the road to developing Alzheimer’s disease? A: It’s common for people to do things without paying attention. Your […]

Communicating with People with Memory Loss

Communicating with Memory Loss

Lessons Lynn Roberts learned while caring for her mother When interacting with someone with Alzheimer’s disease, it can be helpful to avoid confrontation, create a calm environment, and focus on communicating slowly and clearly. Correcting them, or trying to jog their memory, might make them feel frustrated or agitated. Play along. Enter their reality. “I’d […]

Tips to Combat Age-Related Forgetfulness

Forgetfulness increases as we age. Image shot from behind of older woman sitting on bench staring out at empty expanse.

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: Why do people become more forgetful as they age? A: It’s common to have moments of forgetfulness about where we put the keys, why we walked into a room, or what an object is called. This reflects age-related changes in thinking skills. Over time we can expect […]