Smart Testing: Health Screenings for Women

Yes, yes. You know you’re overdue for your annual physical. And when was the last time you visited your dentist? Most women know that routine tests can be essential to maintaining good health, but our packed schedules and overflowing to-do lists often shove suggested medical screenings to the side. Still, a short talk with your […]
The Anatomy of Health: An Integrative Approach to Wellness

When I was in my very active 20s—dancing, biking, hiking—I had severe back and hip pain. I was studying for a dance degree at the time, and one of my very wise teachers witnessed my pain and frustration and told me that turning 30 would change my life. Yeah, right… Well, she was right. Today, […]
Inside Infertility

Every year, nearly seven million couples deal with the heartbreak of infertility. Rather than enduring it alone, most seek the counsel of a fertility specialist. Calling on physicians with high levels of experience and expertise and an array of available treatments, many women who previously thought becoming pregnant was impossible have been able to bear […]