
The Little Known Truth About Being BIG By Alex Lubischer America’s obesity epidemic boils down to this: We do not move our bodies enough, and we eat too much food. Genetics can play a key factor, but at the macro level, the exponential spike in obesity over the past 100 years is far too rapid […]
Knot Now!

It’s time to seek professional help if anxiety turns your nerves into a tangled mess By Donna Shryer When studies said that red wine—in moderation—reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, we toasted the news. When research divulged that moderate exercise is just as beneficial as vigorous activity, we jumped for joy. The same sweet […]
Heads Up

While concussions are prevalent in contact sports, millions of nonathletes incur dangerous concussions, too By Eve Becker The images are jarring: A football player thrown to the ground and lying motionless; an ice-hockey player slammed into a wall; two youth soccer players colliding midfield. While previously dismissed, now athletes and coaches realize that these blows […]
Managing Sports-Related Concussions

Tom Waddle, wide receiver for the Chicago Bears from 1989 to 1994, has suffered his share of concussions in what he calls an “occupational hazard.” “I look back in time, and I am amazed that we didn’t know more—not just the athletes, but the medical community,” Waddle says. “I played the fourth quarter of a […]