Award Winning Health Journalism

10 Things Patients Want You to Know about Female Infertility

By Chicago Health With 7.4 million women experiencing infertility—approximately 286,860 in Illinois—infertility is a national issue that affects one in eight couples, regardless of age or race. For those who long for a child, an infertility diagnosis is devastating, and going through fertility treatment can prove a challenge physically, emotionally and financially. “We’ve come a […]

No Such Thing as TMI

Information is essential when discussing alcohol abuse with teens It’s no secret that today’s teens are bombarded with glamorized messages of alcohol. They see images of bikini-clad women and Abercrombie–ad-worthy men with drinks in hand. Images of friends and family members hoisting a drink fill their Instagram and Snapchat feeds, painting a picture of blissful […]

Safe exercise: Know the warning signs of pushing too hard

winded man

Harvard Health Letters You know the expression about no pain, no gain. But pain and other symptoms during exercise are not normal. You should always pay attention when your body is sending you warning signs. “Be sensible if you have symptoms. It’s better to get help so you can exercise for years to come rather […]