Why Do Women Sleep Worse Than Men?
By Kevin Sterne You lie in bed staring at the clock, trying not to count the hours until the alarm rings. Soon you turn over to face the wall. After a while, you reach for your phone. By 3 a.m. you’ve “liked” your whole newsfeed. Thinking about falling asleep only breeds frustration, keeping you awake. […]
Local Hospitals Receive A’s in Hospital Safety Scores
By Laura Drucker When it comes to choosing the right hospital for your needs, the factor of patient safety—how well a hospital protects its patients from preventable medical errors, accidents, injuries and infections—should be one of the most important to take into account. Fortunately, The Leapfrog Group, a national nonprofit program focused on transparency and […]
Safely clear earwax when build-up causes symptoms

By Howard LeWine, M.D. Q: How do you clear wax build up in the ear? I have small ear canals and it’s difficult for me to clear the wax build-up. I use hydrogen peroxide, but it doesn’t always help. What do you recommend? A: Earwax (the medical term is cerumen) is the sticky substance made […]