A Community That Matters

Photo above: Matter offices. Photos by Garrett Rowland for Gensler The shared supportive space, Matter, makes a big difference in healthcare Even though Chicago is home to the nation’s leading medical associations as well as top research hospitals and pharmaceutical firms, it has had the reputation of being a laggard in medical technology. The problem […]
Not So Criminally Insane

Cook County Jail leads the nation in better treatment of mentally ill inmates America is facing a daunting social crisis. In 2012, roughly one out of every 100 American adults was incarcerated. That translates to approximately 1.4 million men and women in state prisons with more than 700,000 in county and city jails nationwide. The […]
Funny Bone

Originally published in the Spring 2016 print edition.
Count ingredients, not calories

Shift your focus from the calories label to the ingredients label, and search for whole foods, including fish, legumes, whole grains, vegetables, fruits and healthy plant fats. The growing opinion among health researchers today is that just counting calories doesn’t ensure that your food choices support optimal health. After all, choosing foods merely on the […]