Not So Sweet: Getting smart about sugar

Most of us are guilty of indulging in sugary foods and beverages over the holiday season. But with the new year, now is the time to get on track with your sugar intake. Knowing where to spot sugar is the first step. “The first thing that everybody needs to figure out is where the sugar […]
When to get a second opinion

Getting a second opinion for a medical condition isn’t quite the same as cheating on your hairstylist. In fact, when it comes to complex or serious, life-threatening conditions, most doctors encourage second opinions. “If you don’t have complete trust in your physician, or you have reason to believe that all options have not been presented, […]
Five can’t-miss signs that your child is lactose intolerant

In order to pinpoint if your child is lactose intolerant, it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of this digestive problem. Children who are lactose-intolerant don’t produce enough lactase: a natural enzyme that digests, or breaks down, lactose. Parents often confuse lactose intolerance with milk allergy, and although the two have similar […]
The health advantages of marriage

“My wife and I were happy for 20 years. Then we met.” That’s just one of many Rodney Dangerfield jokes that don’t exactly paint a rosy picture of marriage. But, according to a new study, being married might just save your life. OK, that might be an overstatement. But there is fascinating — and […]
New evidence supports breakfast skippers

Q: I grew up with the mantra “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” But in recent years, I just have coffee as I rush out the door. Am I damaging my health by skipping breakfast? A: I must confess: I do the same thing. But both of us can share some comfort […]
Keeping the human connection in medicine

The New England Journal of Medicine recently published a thoughtful essay by David Rosenthal and Abraham Verghese on the many changes in how doctors are trained and how they practice medicine. Efforts to improve efficiency and accuracy — including the introduction of electronic medical records — offer benefits, and pose some complicated problems. Doctors need […]