Building a better sandwich

Environmental Nutrition Newsletter Sandwiches … harmless, right? A couple of slices of bread filled with a bit of lean meat and maybe some veggies. Sure, if you make them at home, sandwiches can make a great light lunch or dinner entree. But picking up a deli-style sandwich at a restaurant is another story. Those sandwiches […]
The Kid’s Doctor: How to prevent bug bites all summer long

By Sue Hubbard, M.D. It is the time of year for bugs and bites, and I see a lot of kids with bites coming into my office. Parents ask, “What kind of bite is it?” And in most of the kids I see are having a reaction to a mosquito bite. Parents are extremely concerned […]
Antibiotics can be an option rather than surgery for simple appendicitis

Q: A friend recently was diagnosed with appendicitis. She was treated with antibiotics only, no surgery. Doesn’t appendicitis always require an appendectomy? A: For more than 100 years, surgery has been the recommended treatment for appendicitis. However, recent studies suggest that antibiotics and no surgery might be safe and just as effective for many […]
How to improve your cholesterol levels

If one-third of Americans have unhealthy cholesterol levels, why did the U.S. recently change its advice to limit the cholesterol we eat daily? Well, for most of us, dietary cholesterol has almost no effect on the cholesterol that ends up in our arteries. But keeping your blood cholesterol numbers down is still key to preventing […]
Five things parents should know about stomachaches

How can you tell if it’s a regular tummy ache or something serious? Here’s what you need to know. 1. “Stomach flu” isn’t really the flu. Gastroenteritis, which can bring on stomachaches in children, is typically caused by a virus. It usually includes diarrhea with or without vomiting and possibly a low grade fever. It […]
Quick tips for gluten-free eating

Going gluten-free can feel difficult — especially at first — but it doesn’t have to be that way. There are plenty of foods out there that are naturally free of gluten, but these tips will help you keep an eye out for foods with hidden sources of gluten, while providing a few ideas on snacks […]
Young adults need to take prehypertension seriously

Q: I checked my blood pressure at the local pharmacy. The reading was 129/84 and said I am at risk. I am only 24 and consider myself very healthy. Should I be worried? A: Young adults with even slightly above-normal blood pressure may be more likely to have heart problems later. So you do want […]