Morning sickness doesn’t pose health threat for most pregnant women

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I’m 15 weeks pregnant and have had horrible morning sickness from the beginning of the pregnancy. I’ve lost weight and worry that will affect the baby’s health. I didn’t experience any morning sickness with my first pregnancy. Is this normal? What can I do to get back to eating […]
A good mood equals a faster metabolism

A fast metabolism, a happy outlook — these are two things we can all agree are worth chasing. And now, scientists are realizing that going after one may naturally deliver both. What we know for sure: The key to this connection is the hunger hormone leptin, which tells your brain that you feel full. “Leptin […]
Can probiotics help treat depression and anxiety?

Harvard Health Blog There is a lot of interest right now in the human microbiome (the populations of bacteria that live in various parts of the body, including the intestine, skin and lungs). We now know that there are approximately 10 times as many bacterial cells as human cells in the body. The vast majority […]
10 ways to keep your Thanksgiving stress-free

Filled with family, friends and delicious food, Thanksgiving is a great holiday — unless you’re the cook. If you signed up to host Thanksgiving for the first time this year (or are frazzled by it every year), don’t panic; get strategic. Create a plan Sit down and make a guest list. The number of guests […]