Why young girls are at risk for anemia

Anemia affects adolescent girls more than boys. Image: African American teenage girl wearing black shirt, standing in garden with arms crossed.

Adolescent females are at greater risk for anemia than adolescent boys. This may be due to several reasons, including the fact that adolescent girls lose blood each month during their menstrual cycles and many teenage girls eat less red meat than adolescent boys. While some adolescents with anemia (low hemoglobin and hematocrit) complain of headaches, […]

Genetic testing to predict medication side effects

Can genetic testing help predict medication side effects? Image shows pile of various types and colors of pills on plain white background.

Medication side effects are a big problem. It’s estimated that about half of filled prescriptions are not taken as directed, and a major reason for this is side effects. If you’ve ever had diarrhea, felt sleepy, or developed a rash after taking a new medication, you know how unpleasant side effects can be. And sometimes […]

End the yo-yo diet cycle

A yo-yo diet is not effective for sustainable weight loss. Image shoes scale with tape measurer and apple on top of it.

Last spring you reached your goal weight and celebrated by hitting the beach in a bikini. Then your job got stressful, you didn’t find time to work out and your healthy eating spiraled out of control. Now you realize there’s no way you’re going to hit your target weight before your friend’s wedding next month […]