Slightly underactive thyroid: Treat now or wait?

Is an underactive thyroid something to worry about? Image of chin, neck, and chest of young woman in black tank top with blond hair in a braid.

Q: I recently had a routine visit with my doctor. She ordered a thyroid test and told me I have a slightly underactive thyroid gland. If I feel well, do I need treatment? A: What you are describing is what doctors call subclinical hypothyroidism. That means your body is getting enough thyroid hormone for you […]

Crack into a pistachio today

The pistachio is a powerhouse. Image of bowl of shelled pistachios, with pistachio shells on the side.

There’s no denying the call of the pistachio. That smooth, beige shell, with the crunchy green prize tucked within is irresistible. The folklore A favorite American snack, pistachios have been enjoyed since the seventh century BCE and are one of only two nuts (the other is almonds) mentioned in the Bible. Native to the Middle […]

Find your motivation power hour

Find your motivation power hour: image of clock face

Most people’s mental energy is a roller coaster, says Chris Bailey, the author of “The Productivity Project.” “There are certain hours when you naturally have much more drive than at other times,” he says. The tricky thing is that the time of day when mental energy — and motivation — peaks is different for everyone. […]

Is ‘man flu’ a real condition?

Is man flu real? Torso shot of man wrapped up in blanket

Q: Do men really suffer more with the flu than women? A: I’d never heard of “man flu,” but according to a new study of the topic, the term is “so ubiquitous that it has been included in the Oxford and Cambridge dictionaries as “a cold or similar minor ailment as experienced by a man […]