Humble hummus is a good snack

Creamy, loaded with protein-rich beans and heart-healthy olive oil, what’s not to like about hummus? For those looking to swap out their chips and dip for something healthier, hummus is the perfect answer. It pairs well with raw veggies or whole grain bread for an ideal snack or sandwich accompaniment. Think hummus is too mild […]
What to consider before stopping antidepressants

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: I have been taking an antidepressant daily for the past two years. Most recently I am on 100 mg per day of sertraline. What would happen if I just stopped it? A: The decision to go off antidepressants should be considered thoughtfully and made with the support […]
What you need to know about 4 gynecological cancers

A diagnosis of cancer in a woman’s reproductive organs can lead to fears about losing her femininity and her ability to bear children. But according to gynecologic oncologist Robert DeBernardo, M.D., gynecological cancers aren’t common, and most can be easily treated. “Gynecological cancers are rare in the grand scheme when compared to lung or colon […]