A Quick and Effective Workout is Possible

Boost your metabolism with high-intensity interval training Above photo Terrence Terrell, personal trainer. Photo by James Foster Toby Fanning’s complacency peaked in June 2017. At that time, the 32-year-old was living in Chicago while his fiancée was abroad. He wasn’t eating all that well. He wasn’t disciplined about exercising. He needed a change. Fanning had always been in relatively good […]
Sugar Addiction

Limiting sweeteners (especially fructose) can reduce chronic disease Sugar fuels your body and brain. But when overconsumed, it can wreak havoc on your health. The average American consumes excessive amounts of added sugar — most of it from candy, baked goods and soft drinks, as well as salad dressings, condiments and sweetened dairy products. And the experts are saying […]
Building a Healthier Salad

Photo by Kyle Edwards Salads sound healthy. But get this: Some have more calories than a double cheeseburger from a fast food joint. With a little know-how, however, you can build a healthy yet delicious salad. Here are the basics. • Use a variety of lettuce, vegetables and fruits. The more variety, the better the nutrition, textures […]