Are You Taking Too Much Anti-Inflammatory Medication?

Bunch of white anti-inflammatory pills spilling out of the top of a purple bottle.

Harvard Health Blog You might call them pain relievers. You might take them for back pain, headache, or arthritis. Your doctor calls them “NSAIDs,” which stands for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Whatever you call them and for whatever reason you take them, NSAIDs are among the most popular medications worldwide. In fact, estimates suggest that about […]

Food Synergy Boosts Nutrition

Food Synergy: image of spaghetti wrapped around a fork with small tomato and piece of basil on top.

Pancakes and maple syrup, spaghetti and meatballs, chocolate and strawberries — these are the “Thelma and Louises” of the food world — items that just belong together. Beyond flavor, when certain foods are eaten together, their nutritional firepower is amplified. It’s called food synergy: a concept where the benefits of two or more foods eaten […]

Why We Shouldn’t Demonize Formula Feeding


Harvard Health Blog Breast is best. We pediatricians say this all the time, because it’s true. Breast milk was uniquely designed for human babies, and many studies have shown its health benefits. In our quest to increase breastfeeding rates, which are not as high as we want them to be here in the U.S., we […]