Study Shows Marketing Health Food to Kids Works

The Kid’s Doctor The marketing of foods to children continues to be a hot topic. As any parent knows, by the time children are 3, 4 or 5 years old they can often point to the box of sugary cereal with their favorite cartoon character on it or identify a sign (McDonalds, Chick-Fil-A, Pizza Hut) […]
Why Persistent Anxiety Leads to Other Health Problems

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: My wife says that I worry too much and it’s bad for my health. Does worrying really cause health problems? A: Feeling anxious now and then is perfectly normal. In fact, worrying can spur you to take positive actions in your life, including some that might actually […]
Can DNA Markers Called Telemores Predict Aging?

Harvard Health Blog It’s a bit like clockwork: Soon after an important scientific finding about health, a slew of self-help products arrive to support it. Added sugars are unhealthy? Try this diet. A sedentary lifestyle leads to disease? Do this workout. So it’s not surprising that increasing knowledge about DNA markers for longevity called telomeres […]