Why (and How) to Cut Saturated Fats From Your Diet

The 411 on limiting saturated fats. Chances are, nothing good comes to mind when you hear those words. That’s because research has proven again and again that diets high in saturated fats increase LDL (“bad”) cholesterol in blood, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association began recommending in 1961 that we […]
How Couples Can Share Long Term Care Benefits

Q: How does a shared-benefit rider for long term care insurance work? Does it cost more than regular coverage? A: One of the big unknowns with long-term-care insurance is predicting how long you’ll need benefits. Although the average need for care is about three years, you might die before needing any care or you could […]
Juice for Babies? Experts Say It’s Not a Good Idea

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: I just heard that children younger than 12 months of age should not get juice. I always thought natural juice was healthy. Why the change? A: Like you, many people think of juice as a healthy drink, something that should be part of a child’s diet. But […]