It’s Not You, It’s All of Us

Pitfalls and uncertainties

Should we cancel it? I think we should cancel it.” I agreed with my wife. It was March 11. Our son’s second birthday party was scheduled to happen in three days. But the majority of attendees were grandparents, and Covid-19 was picking up steam. Katie was right to suggest we cancel the birthday party. The […]

When Given the Chance, Did You Shift?

Forest Therapy

I am chronically a glass-half-full kind of girl. So, I received the Covid-19 shutdown as the answer to my years-old prayers for spacious time to reset, sleep, and choose new. Choose, I did. Eagerly, I RSVPed into the never-before and always-dreamed. And, oh was I satisfied!  So when did I release my bliss and begin […]