Confronting Perfectionism: It’s Okay to Be Perfectly Imperfect

Clarissa Donnelly-DeRoven, 27, has accomplished many things. She’s a rural health and Medicaid news reporter, spin class enthusiast, amateur cross-stitcher, master’s degree holder, and … a self-proclaimed perfectionist. “Perfectionism makes me procrastinate a lot,” Donnelly-DeRoven says. “I spiral about how I’ll never do something as good as I want it to be, and then I […]
I Can’t Tolerate CPAP, What Can I Do?

Continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, is the most common treatment prescribed for obstructive sleep apnea. CPAP involves wearing a mask that fits into the nostrils, underneath or over the nose, or over the nose and mouth, through which pressurized air is delivered via tubing from a machine to keep the upper airway open during […]