Award Winning Health Journalism

Considering Your Cancer Diagnosis: Critical Questions to Ask Your Doctor

A Homemade Treatment
By Morgan Lord

There are many cancer patients who want to get right back to their personal and professional routines following treatment. Thankfully, there are healthcare providers in place for just this reason, such as ALC Home Health Care. After chemotherapy treatments conclude, ALC’s specially trained IV infusion nurses visit the patient at home or at work to provide the disconnection and/or hydration treatment that is ordered by the patient’s physician. “This helps the patient not have to worry about traveling back and forth to the hospital but be able to get back to the everyday normal life routine,” says CEO Anthony Siciliano.

If home healthcare is an option, Siciliano suggests you be prepared with the following questions:

• How long will this particular process in treatment last?
• Can the infusion process be accelerated?
• Why does the nurse have to start a new IV each time she visits with me?
• Can I, or my caregiver, learn how to provide my own IV care?
• What if my IV comes apart? • What if the pump continues to beep?
• Can I bathe normally while receiving my chemo therapy?

Published in Chicago Health Winter 2012

Home Healthcare

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