Read Our 2023 Award-Winning Stories

Caregiving and Chicago Health magazines’ editorial and design teams once again received many honors for their outstanding work. This isn’t just a bragging point. To us, this type of recognition fortifies our efforts to tell engaging, impactful stories that reflect our communities. Congratulations to all, and please enjoy reading through our honored entries.


Oh, Naturale! by Kathleen Aharoni
Chicago explores the role of trees in human health and heat mitigation.

  • Chicago Headline Club’s Peter Lisagor Awards Winner for Science and Technology
  • Illinois Woman’s Press Association Mate E. Palmer Communications Contest Second Place for Writing, Feature Story



Embrace the Travel Age by Jennifer Billock
Defying aging stereotypes and challenges, many older adults find value and inspiration in adventure.

  • Illinois Woman’s Press Association Mate E. Palmer Communications Contest First Place for Specialty Articles, Travel
  • National Federation of Press Women Second Place for Travel Articles



Life After Death by Katie Scarlett Brandt
Some answers only reveal themselves after a person dies. For those paying attention, the information can change perspectives and save lives.

  • Chicago Journalists Association Sarah Brown Boyden Awards Finalist for Health/Science




Rising Concerns by Katie Scarlett Brandt
Where flooding and sewage treatment meet — and how both impact people’s health

  • Chicago Headline Club’s Peter Lisagor Awards Finalist for Reporting on Climate Change
  • Illinois Woman’s Press Association Mate E. Palmer Communications Contest Honorable Mention for In-depth Reporting



Recycling is Complicated and Controversial… by Dan Dean and Ronit Rose
But when it’s done right, it’s good for everyone.

  • Illinois Woman’s Press Association Mate E. Palmer Communications Contest First Place for Specialty Articles, Green/Environmental
  • National Federation of Press Women First Place for Green/Environmental Articles



The Call of the Road design by Erin Sullivan
Wanderlust doesn’t slow down because you’ve gotten older. You just need to embark on the right path for you.

  • Illinois Woman’s Press Association Mate E. Palmer Communications Contest Second Place for Graphics and Design, Page Design




The Caregiver’s Journey design by Erin Sullivan
Take your turn in our first-ever caregiving game, and learn everything you need for each step of the way.

  • Illinois Woman’s Press Association Mate E. Palmer Communications Contest First Place for Page Design
  • National Federation of Press Women Second Place for Magazine Page Design
Dan Dean
Erin Sullivan
Jennifer Billock
Journalism Awards
Kathleen Aharoni
Katie Scarlett Brandt
Ronit Rose

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