Award Winning Health Journalism

Surgery for Appendicitis? Antibiotics Alone May Be Enough

Appendicitis and antibiotics, Chicago Health Magazine Online

I remember when my best friend in fifth grade couldn’t make our much-anticipated end-of-the-school-year camping trip because he had just undergone surgery for appendicitis. Now I prevent kids from participating in their school activities for four to six weeks after I remove their appendix. But what is the appendix, why do we have an organ […]

Antibiotics can be an option rather than surgery for simple appendicitis

Shot of midsection of man in brown and black striped shirt covering stomach with hands to represent stomachache

  Q: A friend recently was diagnosed with appendicitis. She was treated with antibiotics only, no surgery. Doesn’t appendicitis always require an appendectomy? A: For more than 100 years, surgery has been the recommended treatment for appendicitis. However, recent studies suggest that antibiotics and no surgery might be safe and just as effective for many […]