Award Winning Health Journalism

Injury-Prevention Tips from Joffrey Dancers Help Recreational Athletes

Joanna and Dylan Gutierrez. Photo by Cheryl Mann.

Professional dancers, like professional athletes, are subject to injury because of the constant stress they put on their bodies. And while these dancers and athletes have dedicated medical teams to attend to their needs, recreational athletes can learn from their experience. “Dancers in a lot of ways are similar to everyday athletes who want to […]

Is ibuprofen before exercise risky?

Bottle of ibuprofen open and on side on table with pills spilling out

Q: I often take a couple of over-the-counter ibuprofen before I go out for a jog to help the muscle aches afterward. I usually run for 45 minutes to one hour. Is there any danger? A: Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, generics) is one of the many non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) primarily to reduce pain. These drugs […]