Award Winning Health Journalism

Are Carbs the Enemy? 6 Myths About Carbs

Myths about carbs: image of slice of toast sitting on a plate.

Everyone and their mom seem to have an opinion about carbohydrates. How much you should eat, when you should eat them, why you should never eat fruit after lunch — there is no shortage of advice regarding carbs and people ready to wage war on them. Does all this conflicting information leave you frozen in […]

Ride the Whole Grain Train

Whole grain bread sliced and shot from above on top of wood table

When it comes to your dietary choices, it’s a good idea to be a purist and ride the whole-grain train. In recent years, whole grains of all stripes have been gaining recognition for their nutritional clout and ability to serve as a springboard for a wide range of satisfying meals. What’s a whole grain? By […]

Pass the bread, please

Many mixed breads and rolls shot from above.

Environmental Nutrition By Heidi McIndoo, M.S., R.D., Environmental Nutrition Newsletter Sliced bread may seem like a mere vehicle for your sandwich fillings, but it can be much more. Bread can be a terrific source of fiber, whole grains, vitamins and minerals. Plus, it can provide delicious flavor, thanks to the wide assortment of breads now […]