Are Carbs the Enemy? 6 Myths About Carbs

Everyone and their mom seem to have an opinion about carbohydrates. How much you should eat, when you should eat them, why you should never eat fruit after lunch — there is no shortage of advice regarding carbs and people ready to wage war on them. Does all this conflicting information leave you frozen in […]
Ride the Whole Grain Train

When it comes to your dietary choices, it’s a good idea to be a purist and ride the whole-grain train. In recent years, whole grains of all stripes have been gaining recognition for their nutritional clout and ability to serve as a springboard for a wide range of satisfying meals. What’s a whole grain? By […]
Pass the bread, please

Environmental Nutrition By Heidi McIndoo, M.S., R.D., Environmental Nutrition Newsletter Sliced bread may seem like a mere vehicle for your sandwich fillings, but it can be much more. Bread can be a terrific source of fiber, whole grains, vitamins and minerals. Plus, it can provide delicious flavor, thanks to the wide assortment of breads now […]