The Real Link Between Breastfeeding and Preventing Obesity

Woman breastfeeding a baby on the couch.

Harvard Health Blog While we know that breastfeeding has many health benefits for mothers and babies, the studies have been a bit fuzzy when it comes to the link between breastfeeding and preventing obesity in children. Some studies show a clear link, but in others that link is less clear. A study published in the […]

Why We Shouldn’t Demonize Formula Feeding


Harvard Health Blog Breast is best. We pediatricians say this all the time, because it’s true. Breast milk was uniquely designed for human babies, and many studies have shown its health benefits. In our quest to increase breastfeeding rates, which are not as high as we want them to be here in the U.S., we […]

Breastfeeding gets a lift from advocacy, education campaigns

Infant breastfeeding

The Kid’s Doctor An editorial concerning breastfeeding was published last year in The New York Times. It was written by Courtney Jung, who is a professor of political science at the University of Toronto, and it was quite interesting to me as she wrote that “the moral fervor surrounding breast-feeding (sic) continues unabated, with a […]