Mayo Clinic Q&A: Full Recovery After Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Can Take up to a Year

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Three months ago, I had surgery on my left wrist to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Since then, I am in much more pain than before surgery, and two of my fingers are completely numb. I cannot even button a button, and tying my shoes is a chore. What would cause the pain […]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Not Responding to Initial Treatments May Require Surgery

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have carpal tunnel syndrome that used to bother me only at night. Wearing a splint helped, but, now, my symptoms are noticeable throughout the day, as well. Does this mean surgery is inevitable, or are there other things I can do to help lessen the tingling and numbness it’s causing? ANSWER: […]
Wide-Awake Surgery

How one technique is changing the game for hand operations When Joanne Falco lost feeling in her left hand in 2017, she knew she’d have to schedule carpal tunnel surgery yet again. A prolific crafter who uses her hands daily, Falco had been plagued by carpal tunnel syndrome for the past decade — and she […]