Mayo Clinic Q&A: Some Colonoscopy Preparations Require Less Fluid

Colonoscopy Prep, Chicago Health Magazine Online

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Among the discomforts of having a colonoscopy, the worst for me is drinking the large amount of laxative solution in preparation. Are there ways to avoid this? ANSWER: Colonoscopy can be a lifesaving screening test for colon cancer. However, one often uncomfortable aspect is that the large intestine needs to be empty […]

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Screening Is an Important Step in Preventing Colon Cancer

Preventing Colon Cancer

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Are there ways to prevent colon cancer? What about early symptoms to watch for? I just turned 50, and I’ve heard colon cancer is more common as you get older. I’d like to lower my risk of getting this disease as much as possible. ANSWER: There are some lifestyle changes that may […]

Do you know your personal colorectal cancer risk?

Doctor and man talking

By Michael Kattan, Ph.D. What is your risk of having colorectal cancer? If you are approaching or have passed your 50th birthday, your doctor probably has advised you to have colorectal cancer screening to determine that. And that’s the problem. Since the late 20th century, this one-size-fits-all advice has been standard because there has been […]

Easy ways to stay regular

Man suffering from stomach pain

Having regular bowel movements is a sign of a healthy digestive system, and it prevents the discomfort of diarrhea and constipation. But regularity is challenging in our older years. It is the job of muscles in the wall of the colon to squeeze digested food downward and eventually out of the body. “As we get […]