Does drinking diet soda raise the risk of a stroke?
For diet soda fans, recent news reports linking these popular drinks to higher risk of stroke may have been alarming. A closer look at the study behind the headlines suggests there’s no need to panic. But beverages naturally low in calories are probably a healthier option than artificially sweetened drinks. The study included 2,888 people […]
Why Pregnant Women Should Avoid Artificially Sweetened Beverages
By Claire McCarthy, M.D. Harvard Health Blog For a while now, research has shown that when pregnant women gain a lot of weight, they have heavier babies. And because heavier babies tend to grow into heavier children who tend to grow into heavier adults, it’s a good idea for pregnant women to try not to […]
New concerns raised about diet soda
Harvard Health Letters Source: Harvard Health Letter For weight-conscious people who love the taste and bite of carbonation of soft drinks, the advent of sugar-free soda 60 years ago seemed a blessing: If there were no calories, you didn’t have to worry about weight gain–and the diseases that go along with obesity, like diabetes and […]