Amid Surge, Hospitals Hesitate to Cancel Nonemergency Surgeries

Elective Surgeries, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Three months ago, the nation watched as COVID-19 patients overwhelmed New York City’s intensive care units, forcing some of its hospitals to convert cafeterias into wards and pitch tents in parking lots. Hospitals elsewhere prepped for a similar surge: They cleared beds, stockpiled scarce protective equipment, and — voluntarily or under government orders — temporarily […]

Behind the Scenes

Elective Surgeries NorthShore Chicago Health Magazine Online

How NorthShore Protects Non-COVID-19 Patients Before COVID-19, surgeons at NorthShore University HealthSystem’s four legacy hospitals conducted between 150 and 180 surgical procedures on a typical weekday. Now, they’re doing far fewer. “We know there are people avoiding the healthcare system right now. People are ignoring aches, pains, and other abnormalities because they may be afraid,” […]