Love Those Lentils!

Lentils, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Lentils are a good source of fiber and many powerful plant compounds. The folklore Lentils are the oldest cultivated legume, dating as far back as 8,000 B.C. Not only have they have been biblically and historically referenced, they have sustained ancient cultures all over the globe and are now hugely popular in the U.S. High […]

4 Ways Fiber Helps Protect Your Heart

Fiber, Chicago Health Magazine Online

As part of a healthy diet, fiber is a nutrient most associated with keeping the digestive tract regular and — thanks to the marketing on the oatmeal container — lowering cholesterol. But fiber’s role in the body goes way beyond regularity, and one of fiber’s most important roles stems from the influence that gut health […]

4 Ways Fiber Helps Protect Your Heart

Fiber and heart health, Chicago Health Magazine Online

As part of a healthy diet, fiber is a nutrient most associated with keeping the digestive tract regular and — thanks to the marketing on the oatmeal container — lowering cholesterol. But fiber’s role in the body goes way beyond regularity, and one of fiber’s most important roles stems from the influence that gut health […]

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Getting Adequate Amount of Fiber Has Several Health Benefits

Gluten-Free Fiber, Chicago Health Magazine Online

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My doctor is recommending a trial of a gluten-free diet to see if my digestive symptoms improve. Can I still get enough fiber without eating bread and bran flakes? ANSWER: It is possible to get enough fiber, even without eating foods that you may typically associate with good sources of fiber, such […]

Pear Nutrition: 5 Ways this Fruit Can Boost Your Health

Pears, Chicago Health Magazine Online

If you only think about pears during the holidays when a bunch of them arrive in the mail in a holiday gift basket, you’re missing out. Pears have been enjoyed for centuries for all of their juicy deliciousness. Considering that more than 3,000 varieties are grown worldwide, there’s a pear for every palate — from soft […]

Don’t Rely on Stool Softeners for Constipation Relief

Stool softeners: small jar filled with white pills

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: I have been taking daily stool softeners to help my constipation. Is this safe? Is there some other over-the-counter product I can use safely? A: Stool softeners such as docusate (Colace, Surfak, generic versions) are safe. However, when put to scientific testing in controlled clinical trials, they […]

Five diet rules for a healthy heart

Close up of fork resting on salad bowl containing spinach, cherry tomatoes, and corn

Heart disease may be the leading cause of death for Americans, but here’s a heartening statistic: About half of heart-disease deaths in the U.S. are preventable. According to an Emory University study, the leading five controllable risk factors are obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure and smoking. Eighty percent of Americans have at least […]

Food Synergy Boosts Nutrition

Food Synergy: image of spaghetti wrapped around a fork with small tomato and piece of basil on top.

Pancakes and maple syrup, spaghetti and meatballs, chocolate and strawberries — these are the “Thelma and Louises” of the food world — items that just belong together. Beyond flavor, when certain foods are eaten together, their nutritional firepower is amplified. It’s called food synergy: a concept where the benefits of two or more foods eaten […]

The best diet for weight loss

What's the best diet for weight loss? Image shows two pieces of bread on a plate smeared with hummus and topped with peppers and radishes; fruit on either side of bread on the plate

Losing weight and getting healthier is a common goal among Americans; we spend $60 billion dollars a year on weight loss books, gym memberships, apps, programs and special diet foods. Yet, collectively we are getting heavier, which leads to an increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. The […]

Starting a high-fiber diet

Overhead view of 6 small piles of high fiber foods, including lentils and various types of beans

Do you get enough fiber in your diet? The Institute of Medicine recommends that women aged 19 to 50 get 25 grams of fiber a day and that men aged 19 to 50 get 38 grams. Those numbers are based on research linking that amount with a reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes. “Because […]

6 quick tips for digestive health

Yogurt with fruit

If you’re one of the 70 million people affected by digestive problems you probably know that diet plays a role in how you feel. While optimizing your digestive health typically takes trial and error — and the guidance of a health-care provider — there are some helpful changes you can make to your diet that […]

5 reasons to focus on fiber

Oat flakes heart shaped and stethoscope.

By Denise Webb, Ph.D., R.D., Environmental Nutrition Newsletter When you think of dietary fiber, you may think of foods, like bran, that help move things along in your intestinal tract. And you would be right, at least partially. However, dietary fiber does a lot more than just benefit your intestines. A fiber-rich diet may also […]