Chicago Tech Start-up Spurs Weight Loss
At the start of every new year, Americans’ number one resolution is to lose weight. It’s a sensible commitment considering almost 70 percent of Americans are classified as overweight or obese, a condition related to many types of cancer and other chronic illnesses. Obesity’s annual medical cost in the United States is between $147 billion and […]
Wearable fitness tracker can build your motivation to exercise
You see them clamped to the wrists of people everywhere: restaurant servers, office colleagues, fellow gym rats, the teenager next door. Fitness trackers seem to have become de rigeur among the fitness conscious. They’re becoming so popular that companies are even producing ones that look more like fashion jewelry than fitness monitors. As with many […]
Start moving with a fitness tracker
Harvard Health Letter You’ve probably seen people wearing digital fitness trackers, small gadgets that come in wearable styles such as wristbands and pendants or handheld versions you can slip into a pocket. Why are they popular? The devices record your workout data, and they track your progress on those measures. “We’ve seen them make a […]