Award Winning Health Journalism

When Given the Chance, Did You Shift?

Forest Therapy

I am chronically a glass-half-full kind of girl. So, I received the Covid-19 shutdown as the answer to my years-old prayers for spacious time to reset, sleep, and choose new. Choose, I did. Eagerly, I RSVPed into the never-before and always-dreamed. And, oh was I satisfied!  So when did I release my bliss and begin […]

Forest Therapy Focuses the Senses and Increases Well-being

Man walking on nature trail in beautiful peaceful forest

Nature used to be an integral part of the lives of human beings. But today, our connection to Mother Nature is minimal. “Most people in our society spend most of their time indoors, so we’re disconnected from our senses,” says Jodi Trendler, a certified forest therapist. “We don’t listen to what our bodies are telling […]