Trim Pesticide Residues in Produce

Pesticide residue: image of multiple cartons of bright red strawberries

It’s time to tune into the Dirty Dozen, based on the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) analysis of USDA tests on pesticide residues on conventionally grown produce. Even if you wash and peel produce, pesticide residues in conventional fruits and vegetables persist; almost 70 percent of conventional produce samples showed pesticide residues, according to the USDA. […]

Environmental Nutrition: Here’s to Tomatoes!

Brilliant red tomatoes tug heavily at their vines, ripe and plump with the flavor and fragrance of summer. Tomatoes were first cultivated in Mexico by the Aztecs, who named ittomatl, which means “the swelling fruit.” The delicious tomato that’s so cherished today was shunned when it arrived in medieval Europe, where it was thought to […]

Warm up to winter fruit

The winter fruit you should be eating. Image is of pomegranates and grapefruits with tops cut off revealing juicy flesh inside.

Most supermarkets are stocked with a wide selection of fruit year-round. However, just because it’s available doesn’t mean it’s at its peak. Use this guide to shop smarter and enjoy fresher produce by buying winter fruit that’s in season now. Pomegranate Season: September to February Pomegranates are rich in the same types of disease-fighting nutrients, […]

Picking the healthiest fruits

A pile of blueberries, one of the healthiest fruits, on a wooden table, shot from above.

Anyone who thinks healthy food can’t taste good clearly doesn’t understand the power of fruit. Sweet, juicy and delicious, grab-and-go fruit is packed with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiber associated with an impressively long list of health benefits, including heart health, weight control, digestive health and lowered dementia and diabetes risk. If you’ve heard you […]

The scoop on fructose

Pile of all different kinds of fruits, which contain fructose

If you were a natural foods enthusiast in the early 1980s, you might recall cookbooks that used fructose instead of table sugar as a sweetener. Fructose is a natural sugar in fruit, so it was viewed as a healthier option. Plus, fructose is sweeter than table sugar, potentially enabling you to use less in recipes […]