Decoding Genetics

Decoding Genetics

How genetic testing and editing will influence the future of healthcare Tailored, personalized medicine is changing so much of how…

Can DNA Markers Called Telemores Predict Aging?

Can DNA Markers Called Telemores Predict Aging?

Harvard Health Blog It’s a bit like clockwork: Soon after an important scientific finding about health, a slew of self-help…

Genetic testing to predict medication side effects

Genetic testing to predict medication side effects

Medication side effects are a big problem. It’s estimated that about half of filled prescriptions are not taken as directed,…

Heart Monitors

Heart Monitors

Area hospitals move to noninvasive tests for cardiac disease Amit Patel, MD, seen through a CT scanner. Photo courtesy of…

The Future of Medicine Is Spelled Y-O-U

The Future of Medicine Is Spelled Y-O-U

Photo above: Mark Dunnenberger, PharmD. Courtesy of Jonathan Hillenbrand, Media Production and Photography, NorthShore University HealthSystem Genetic testing drives decision-making in…