Mayo Clinic Q&A: Treatment for Vaginal Prolapse Depends on Severity, Symptoms

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: What is the best long-term treatment for vaginal prolapse? I am in my late 50s. ANSWER: There are nonsurgical and surgical treatment options for vaginal prolapse, and the treatment that is best usually depends on the severity of the condition and how much the symptoms are bothering you. Surgery often is recommended […]
Natural ways to control urinary incontinence

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: I often have a problem leaking urine when I cough or sneeze or get the urge to go. I would rather avoid medication. What else can I do? A: You have lots of company. An estimated 45 percent of women experience some form of urinary incontinence at […]
Are Pap Tests Becoming Obsolete?

Since 2012, gynecologists have asked women to schedule a Pap smear every three years, instead of annually. But is it time for a further change? In recent years, some gynecologic oncologists have proposed replacing Pap smears with an “upstream” cervical cancer screening method. Instead of testing broadly for abnormal cells, women would be screened for […]
The Cost of Delaying Childbirth

Celebs can afford to do it, can you? So many stories abound about celebrities in their late 30s or 40s giving birth to healthy babies, that delaying childbirth seems like a normal, natural experience. Yet women who wait until their mid-30s or later to have a baby face certain risks. “The first important hurdle they […]
Health Mastery
Tenaciously Stubborn: How the good kind of stubbornness can actually save our lives By Kathleen Aharoni She kept returning to her gynecologist and insisting that she be checked again. Her doctor, though, kept telling her that her bloating and not feeling like her usual self were just symptoms of menopause. She persevered in her self-advocacy, […]