Award Winning Health Journalism

Travel abroad for low-cost care

Shot from behind of woman lounging on beach on top of lounge chair covered in colorful towel

By Miriam Cross, Kiplinger Personal Finance After an emergency-room visit in 2014 revealed a bleeding blood vessel in his brain, Terry Lane had a choice: He could take pills for the rest of his life in hopes that the seizures caused by the bleeding would cease, or he could have brain surgery to remove the […]

Can you be held responsible for your parents’ long-term-care costs?

Senior mother getting a hug from behind from her middle aged daughter

When an older adult racks up unpaid long-term-care bills, who’s responsible for paying the debt? In a growing number of cases, adult children are being held legally responsible for their parents’ nursing-home or other care expenses. The reason: More than half of U.S. states have “filial responsibility” laws obligating adult children to financially support their […]