Award Winning Health Journalism

10 ways to keep your Thanksgiving stress-free

A family without Thanksgiving stress sits in background smiling and laughing; cooked turkey on table in foreground

Filled with family, friends and delicious food, Thanksgiving is a great holiday — unless you’re the cook. If you signed up to host Thanksgiving for the first time this year (or are frazzled by it every year), don’t panic; get strategic. Create a plan Sit down and make a guest list. The number of guests […]

What to eat and do to make holiday stress disappear

Stressed middle-aged brunette woman squeezing highs and pressing head in front of Christmas tree

There’s a lot to love about the holidays — but there’s a lot to stress out about, too — especially when you spread yourself too thin. Stop stressing: There are some healthy foods, and solutions backed by science, that can help. Stressor: You’re missing the “happy” in Happy Holidays. How to beat it: Think about […]