Tiny Homes Provide More Than Just a Roof to People Experiencing Homelessness

Homeless and Tiny Homes, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Above photo: Gene Cox speaks with Brenda Konkel, president of Occupy Madison and executive director of Madison Area Care for the Homeless OneHealth in Wisconsin. Cox lives in Occupy Madison Village, one of the oldest tiny home villages in the country for people who have been homeless and among the few in a residential neighborhood. […]

Reaching Chicago’s Unsheltered Homeless Population During Pandemic

Koruba (left) tests an unsheltered person for Covid-19. He estimates he has administered over 20 tests to Chicago’s homeless, all negative. Photo by Lloyd DeGrane

Near Chicago’s $100 million Riverwalk and luxury high-rise apartments, unsheltered homeless people “sleep rough” on the side of the road. One resident, Drew, lives in an approximately 200-square-foot camp where he shares cigarettes and a portable bathroom with five other people. They typically don’t wear masks around each other. Despite these health risks, he isn’t […]

Homeless Shelters Grapple With Covid Safety as Cold Creeps In

Homeless and Covid-19, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Above photo: A sign at a homeless encampment near a Chicago expressway memorializes a man who reportedly died there from exposure to the cold. (Giles Bruce for KHN) Ben Barnes has slept in abandoned buildings, hallways and alleys. For the past year or so, he’s been staying at Chicago’s largest homeless shelter, Pacific Garden Mission, […]

Protecting Chicago’s Homeless Population During Covid-19

Covid-19 testing team member at Rush University Medical Center. Photo courtesy of Angela Moss, PhD

Above photo courtesy of Angela Moss, PhD, Rush University Medical Center On a sunny Wednesday afternoon in August, Maurice Harris, 29, stands in the middle of North Keeler Avenue on Chicago’s Northwest Side, with a cup and a cardboard sign, asking passing drivers for whatever they can spare. He’s not wearing a mask, though he […]