How Couples Can Share Long Term Care Benefits
Q: How does a shared-benefit rider for long term care insurance work? Does it cost more than regular coverage? A: One of the big unknowns with long-term-care insurance is predicting how long you’ll need benefits. Although the average need for care is about three years, you might die before needing any care or you could […]
Tactics to make long-term-care coverage affordable
By Kimberly Lankford, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance No matter how carefully you plan for retirement, if you don’t have long-term-care insurance, a catastrophic illness could wipe out your savings. The average private room in a nursing home costs $250 per day — or $91,250 per year — according to Genworth’s 2015 Cost of Care study. The […]
4 secrets to buying long-term care insurance
By Eleanor Laise, Kiplinger’s Retirement Report For aging baby boomers, planning for long-term care costs becomes more pressing every day. But the insurance that helps cover those costs is surging in price, while the benefits are becoming skimpier. As costs rise, health care experts are engaging in a fierce debate about whether the coverage is […]