The health advantages of marriage

Two people in white shirts and jeans holding hands in a field on a sunny day

  “My wife and I were happy for 20 years. Then we met.” That’s just one of many Rodney Dangerfield jokes that don’t exactly paint a rosy picture of marriage. But, according to a new study, being married might just save your life. OK, that might be an overstatement. But there is fascinating — and […]

Is the “valentine” pheromone real or a myth?

Full perfume bottle in front of pink background

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts    Q: I haven’t yet picked a Valentine’s Day gift for my girlfriend. I was thinking about a pheromone-containing perfume. Do they really work? A: Experts don’t agree on whether pheromones exist in humans, and whether they influence our behavior. However, it has been documented that some animals […]