Men and Mental Health

More men are seeking help, but roadblocks to treatment remain Through college, graduate school, and into an active and successful professional life in healthcare administration, Earnest Davis had grown accustomed to pushing aside emotional issues that impacted his productivity.  From a stressed relationship with his mother to the challenges of fatherhood, Davis shoved unease away, […]

Eating Disorders and Men

Eating Disorders and Men

Fixations on food and body image aren’t just a woman’s problem Media and popular culture have defined unreal standards of beauty. For men, this often means six-pack abs and looking like Michelangelo’s David. But that ideal image can be destructive. For Elgin resident Robert Allanson and many other men with eating disorders, the fixation on […]

Is ‘man flu’ a real condition?

Is man flu real? Torso shot of man wrapped up in blanket

Q: Do men really suffer more with the flu than women? A: I’d never heard of “man flu,” but according to a new study of the topic, the term is “so ubiquitous that it has been included in the Oxford and Cambridge dictionaries as “a cold or similar minor ailment as experienced by a man […]

What men can gain from therapy

A man sitting with his chin in his hands

By Matthew Solan Harvard Health Blog Speaking for my gender, there are two qualities that define most men: We seldom like to ask for help, and we do not like to talk about our feelings. Combining the two — asking for help about our feelings — is the ultimate affront to many men’s masculinity. We […]

What Doctors Know: Reluctance to see doctor among key men’s health issues

Man with hand on head

Source: University of Mississippi Medical Center Men have higher morbidity rates in almost every one of the leading causes of death in the United States, a factor leading to a renewed focus on men’s health issues. Some of the problem stems from basic machismo, a sense that men don’t need to see a physician […]