The Need for Screening
While men may be reluctant to see the doctor, they should consider these important preventive tests How do you think most men would rather spend their day: doing household chores, like cleaning the bathroom, or visiting the doctor? Survey says: Most men (72%) would rather do a chore like scrubbing the floor than see their […]
Eliminating the Fear Factor
Testicular cancer’s high cure rates turn panic into promise Testicular cancer rarely makes the headlines. Because so few men are diagnosed with the disease each year — the American Cancer Society puts the number of new cases at 9,610 annually — many men don’t pay attention to it. But they should. The earlier testicular cancer […]
When Swimmers Sink
The decline in male sperm count and quality Take a closer look at a man’s sperm cells and you’ll learn about more than just his fertility. A new study, presented at the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Chicago in March 2018, shows that sperm count is also a good indicator of general health. The Italian […]
Breast Cancer in Men
Although rare, males are at risk, too Frank LaFasto remembers clearly the night in late June 1995 when he settled down with his wife to watch the news. She rested her head on his shoulder, placed her hand over his heart and said, “What’s this bump?” She had found a small lump on the nipple […]
Low Testosterone Can Cause Declines Throughout the Body
Our bodies are complex centers of communication. And testosterone is a hormone with a lot to say. Almost every tissue in a man’s body has testosterone receptors, says Laurence A. Levine, MD, a urologist and professor of urology at Rush University Medical Center. That means that testosterone has some say in what goes on in […]
New Treatments in Prostate Care
By Tom Mullaney It seems inconceivable that a small, walnut-sized gland lying just below the bladder could be the vicious killer of about 28,000 American men this year. Yet, that is the devastating toll inflicted by prostate cancer. Until quite recently, urologists had a limited, unreliable arsenal to screen for the disease, namely the prostate-specific […]
Mayo Clinic Q&A: For most men, vasectomy reversal a viable option at any time
By Landon Trost, M.D., Tribune Content Agency DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Is it possible to have a successful reverse vasectomy nine years after the vasectomy was done? What should I expect as far as recovery? I’m 42 years old. ANSWER: For most men, vasectomy reversal is a viable option at any time. But the amount of […]
The Healing Power of a Tesla
Urologists drive across America to raise men’s health awareness By Brett Dworski A white Tesla covered in decals rolled up in fashion to the corner of Dearborn and Grand avenues last Wednesday afternoon. Observers glanced, appearing perplexed, as if James Bond were parking the flashy vehicle. Two men in hospital scrubs came out instead. Sijo […]
Supplements: Finding the Edge While Avoiding Snake Oil
There’s no shame in wanting to look better naked. But do shortcuts exist, as the $96 billion global supplement industry would have us to believe? Supplement shelves are flooded with products promising to deliver everything from washboard abs to more energy. But how do you know which of them are worth your time and dollars? […]
Gird Up for Good Health
While men in their 30s and 40s need not worry much about disease, they must make healthy changes now By Leigh Page Generally, men in their 30s and 40s experience enormous changes in lifestyle that can impact their body and their health. It’s a time of greater accountability: getting married, having kids and landing a […]
The Testosterone Effect
Testosterone is linked to men’s overall health, but levels decline with age and are lower in each new generation. Could male hormone replacement therapy provide the solution? By Patrick Kenney Testosterone is manliness and virility; muscles and hairy chests. It’s also crucial to many other aspects of a man’s life. Falling testosterone levels can leave […]
Stimulating Touch
Astym treatment heals pain for the active and overweight The treatments for ankle sprains, muscle strains and other problems in the soft tissues of the feet and legs are well known: rest, cold compresses, anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy. But sometimes the standard remedies don’t get rid of the pain. That’s when a lesser-known therapy […]
Real Men Ask for Help
Erectile dysfunction can damage self-esteem and hurt relationships. But if dealt with appropriately, it just might save your life. OK, maybe we wouldn’t normally put that last one on the list of manly attributes. But lacking good vascular health can mean that everything else on the list is compromised. There are few things that fall […]
Triathlon Recovery
A lifetime runner gets a second chance with a total knee replacement Fear of immobility caused William Marty to postpone knee replacement surgery until it was almost too late. A professor at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago since 1980, Marty had been an avid lifelong runner. As a college student, he attended Biola University in Los […]
Heart to Heart
A conversation about heart health with Loyola’s Dr. Binh An P. Phan Men and women are different. Should the two sexes be looking for different warning signs of heart disease? One of the biggest things to remember is that heart disease is the number one killer for both men and women. There is a lot […]
Precious Memories
Gene studies advance medicines and profit for Alzheimer’s Denise Combs remembers the moment when she first realized her husband John might be suffering from memory loss. “He was a real estate broker for 38 years and always wore a necktie, but one Easter morning… he couldn’t knot his tie. He had done [it] all his […]
Know Your Stats
Men can do well in dealing with prostate cancer Most men can rattle off all sorts of statistics about sports; football, baseball, ultimate fighting… But many of them have no clue about a particularly important and potentially life-saving number: their prostate-specific antigen (PSA) score. The PSA score, determined by a simple blood test, may indicate […]
Smart Testing: Health Screenings for Men
All right, guys, let’s be honest. Where does scheduling an annual physical exam rank in its level of importance? If you’re under 40, probably somewhere between “cleaning the garage” and “not at all,” right? Not too long ago, my wife was having a follow-up visit with her new internist after recovering from surgery to remove […]