Award Winning Health Journalism

Traumatic News Events Can Affect Your Physical and Psychological Health

The news can be hazardous to your health

The news can be hazardous to your health. Distressing headlines about traumatic events such as school shootings, hate crimes, terrorist threats and even the contentious presidential election are so constant that it can rattle some people to their core. “Unfortunately, we’re living in a traumatic world right now and there’s no escaping it,” says Michael […]

Curiosity: The Brain’s Superfood

brain and creativity icons

I get really excited about the brain! It is the superconductor of my world. And what I continuously learn, whether I’m studying the brilliant neurological reprogramming methods of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais or reading books by people who have recovered from major brain trauma such as Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD, My Stroke of Insight, or Clark […]