Using Meditation to Achieve Mindfulness

The holiday season can be a paradox. We celebrate miracles that could only have existed because people were guided by their listening, witnessing, sensing, believing, and willingness to come together and be aware. Yet, in our personal here and now, with holidays imminent, we are apt to turn away from community and away from ourselves […]
Floating Toward Mindfulness

Photo courtesy of Float Sixty Finding tranquility in a salt water tank Mindfulness. The practice of living in the moment, of acknowledging and accepting thoughts as they come in rather than judging and stressing over them. Touted by Buddhist monks and psychologists alike as one of the keys to a healthy life, mindfulness remains, for […]
Health Mastery: To Your Own Self Be Aware

“You are here at a Conscious Parenting Summit,” award-winning author and international speaker Shefali Tsabary, PhD, told a gathering at Chicago’s Bodhi Center in October. “If you don’t want to be conscious of how you parent, you aren’t in the right place.” To be or not to be: conscious. Am I more concerned about my […]
Get Started on Mindfulness Meditation Today

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts By Howard LeWine, M.D. Q: I have been hearing a lot more about mindfulness recently. Given my hectic life, it sounds like I might benefit. But I am not sure how to start. Any suggestions? A: Mindfulness is the practice of purposely focusing your attention on the present […]
Stressed Out

The importance of keeping cool can’t be stressed enough By Kate Silver Stress has been a lifelong problem for Claire.* For years, the 32-year-old has struggled with health problems—irritable bowel syndrome and endometriosis, for starters—plus the memories of abuse from her youth that began coming back to haunt her when she reached adulthood. Despite extensive therapy, she’s struggled […]
The Food Buzz

Getting the scoop on mindful eating Mindful eating may be called New Age, but the practice of being present with our food has been around for centuries. In today’s fast-paced, on-the-go world we often multitask, eating in the car, in front of the TV or at our desks. Eating with awareness and purpose can allow people […]
Want to Reduce Stress? Here’s How

Patricia Normand, MD, a psychiatrist at Rush University Medical Center and director of its Mindful Life Program, says that in order to reduce stress, she teaches students to focus on the sensation of their breath. When people know what it feels like to quickly shift focus away from what is causing them stress and onto […]