Power training not only for athletes

Power training: shot from behind of young woman with ponytail holding barbell on her shoulders.

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: In addition to walking most days, I do resistance training with weights twice per week. I recently heard the term power training. How does it differ from strength training? A: Strength training using free weights, machines or resistance bands helps maintain and even build muscle mass. In […]

Stretch daily to stay flexible

Woman stretching on the floor

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: I walk with my neighbor daily. She stretches after every walk and keeps telling me I should do the same. Is stretching really necessary? A: Your neighbor is right! You may think of stretching as something performed only by runners or gymnasts. But we all need to […]

PRP: A Promising Panacea or a Premature Procedure?


Can a patient’s own platelet-enhanced blood augment traditional orthopedic procedures and reduce post-surgical healing time? The soreness in Brent Jurceka’s shoulder was not only causing him terrible pain but getting in the way of his pitching at his college baseball games. That’s when he contacted Rush University Medical Center orthopedic surgeon Brian Cole, MD, to schedule […]