Award Winning Health Journalism

4 Ways Fiber Helps Protect Your Heart

Fiber and heart health, Chicago Health Magazine Online

As part of a healthy diet, fiber is a nutrient most associated with keeping the digestive tract regular and — thanks to the marketing on the oatmeal container — lowering cholesterol. But fiber’s role in the body goes way beyond regularity, and one of fiber’s most important roles stems from the influence that gut health […]

EatingWell: Check out 5 foods for stress relief

The magnesium found in spinach helps regulate the stress hormone cortisol as well as blood pressure.

By Holly Pevzner While we may feel better in the short-term after that hot-fudge brownie sundae, healthy foods are better choices when you’re feeling stressed out. Stress can take a toll on your body’s natural defenses, but eating these foods can offer relief: 1. Nuts. Stress depletes our B vitamin stores, and snacking on […]