Award Winning Health Journalism

Alternative Approaches to Pain Management

Alternative Pain Management Chicago Health

Holistic therapies and mind-body treatments can help with chronic pain Kari Wagner was walking home from the park with her dog and 10-year-old son when she was thrust onto the asphalt. After that, she has only a few memories: lying in the street, being transported in an ambulance and being in the hospital. A car […]

Controlling Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain Treatment Chicago Health

A shift in approach delivers a dose of hope Pain has always played a role in Kristen Willard’s life. She was born with a congenital defect in her back — a fusing of two vertebrae that made her more susceptible to back injuries. She first hurt her back at 16 and has had ongoing issues […]

Beyond Opioids: New guidelines offer safest ways to control pain

Six blue pills on a prescription pad

In the past, if you had minor surgery or an injury your doctor would often prescribe an opioid pain killer to ease your discomfort. But, that is less likely under new guidelines for physicians. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released the first federal opioid prescription guidelines. They are written for primary […]

Osteoarthrosis can’t be reversed, but symptoms can be effectively managed

Back view of an older woman in a grey t-shirt with superimposed spine on top

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My mother, 70, has osteoarthritis and was prescribed medication to help with the pain. What else can she do to keep it from worsening? Is physical therapy an option? ANSWER: Osteoarthritis is a progressive disease that slowly gets worse over time. Although the process of osteoarthritis can’t be reversed, […]

Specialists in pain management help patients cope with chronic pain

Woman getting physical therapy for her knee

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I’ve had persistent headaches for about six months. Medication sometimes helps, but not always, and the pain just keeps coming back. My doctor checked to see if another medical problem could be causing the headaches, but she didn’t find anything. She now recommends I see a pain management specialist. […]

Critical Questions to Ask Your Pain Specialist

Depressed man

The following questions and answers were provided by John V. Prunskis, MD, FIPP, medical director at the Illinois Pain Institute and the Barrington Pain and Spine Institute. Q: What kind of training do you have? A: Successful pain management requires that your physician possess sophisticated medical decision-making abilities and expertise with numerous injections and other medical […]

Alternatives to Hurting

Sarah Preusker, reflexologist

Hypnosis and reflexology gain footing for pain control By Nancy Maes Pictured above: Sarah Preusker, Board-Certified Reflexologist.  Photo by JC Paz Photography   Two techniques to relieve pain—hypnosis and reflexology—may seem like some sort of hocus-pocus to those unfamiliar with the treatments, but research shows that both techniques are valid complementary methods to reduce pain. “A lot of people think […]

Reefer to the Rescue

Medical Marijuana

Medical cannabis presents new treatment options for pain management Medical marijuana advocates are not just blowing smoke. Medical cannabis, now in Illinois, has proven to help manage chronic pain—in some cases working for patients when conventional painkillers do not. Illinois physicians who are willing to discuss the topic say that while cannabis treatments can offer […]

Snow Shoveling 101

snow shoveling

Freshly fallen snow can seem peaceful and gorgeous. Heavier wet snow is great for building snowmen and having snowball fights. But shoveling snow can have dire consequences for our backs. Dr. Jeff Winternheimer says the leading cause of back pain is shoveling snow—an activity this city is no stranger to. – CC Here are Dr. […]