Award Winning Health Journalism

A Review of Differences in Non-Organic Milk vs. Organic Milk

milk, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Residues of at least one antibiotic were found in most of the conventional or non-organic milk samples (60%) collected from retail stores across the U.S., while none were detected in any of the organic samples, according to a study published in Public Health Nutrition in 2019. Residues of several currently used pesticides were also detected […]

Trim Pesticide Residues in Produce

Pesticide residue: image of multiple cartons of bright red strawberries

It’s time to tune into the Dirty Dozen, based on the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) analysis of USDA tests on pesticide residues on conventionally grown produce. Even if you wash and peel produce, pesticide residues in conventional fruits and vegetables persist; almost 70 percent of conventional produce samples showed pesticide residues, according to the USDA. […]

Children Exposed to Pesticides Have Increased Risk of Blood Cancers, Study Says

pesticides effect on children and cancer

Pesticides seem necessary to keep the home free from ants, cockroaches and other insects, but the toxic chemicals may do more harm than good. A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics reports that youngsters exposed to a chronic, low level of residential insecticides may have an increased risk of developing childhood blood cancers. Researchers […]