Midwife-Led Birth Centers Offer a Safe Alternative to Hospital Birth

Pregnant woman's stomach

When Tania Nava of Berwyn gave birth to her first child at a local Chicago hospital, she knew it was an experience she never wanted to repeat. “The hospital staff was really harsh on me,” she says. Throughout the process, Nava says she felt stressed and pressured to take drugs like Pitocin to hurry the […]

Pregnancy in a Pandemic

What to expect when you’re expecting during the coronavirus outbreak Melanie Chervinko was nearing the end of her pregnancy in mid-March, when Covid-19 began escalating in the Chicago area. Soon, she found her plans for labor and delivery upended. “We ended up on lockdown about a week before we went to the hospital,” says the […]

Born into a Pandemic

Pregnancy, COVID-19, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Virus complicates births for moms and babies Above photo: Mallory Pease with baby Alivia and her older daughter, Emma Jean. Pease was worried about passing on the coronavirus to Alivia after getting home from the hospital. (Courtesy of the Pease family) Mallory Pease’s contractions grew stronger as her husband, Mitchell, drove her to Oaklawn Hospital in […]

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Congenital Heart Defect Can Affect Health of Mother and Baby

Congenital Heart Defect, Chicago Health Magazine Online

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My husband and I are hoping to start a family soon, but I have a congenital heart defect — a bicuspid aortic valve. I’m concerned how that will affect my pregnancy. What do I need to consider before getting pregnant? What are the risks? ANSWER: A congenital heart defect can affect your […]

Prenatal Vitamins: A small introduction to a big pill

Prenatal Vitamins Chicago Health magazine

Let’s play a game of word association. I say, “prenatal vitamins,” and some of you may say … let me guess, “horse pills”? Yes, prenatal vitamins may be large, but they’re packed with an abundance of nutrients that are essential for prenatal health. And it’s important to start taking them even before you get pregnant. […]

Fertility and Diet: Is There a Connection?

Fertility and diet: neck to knee shot of pregnant woman standing outside in black dress and brown coat on sunny fall day

Harvard Health Blog Here are some headlines on fertility and diet that caught our attention: The ultimate fertility diet: We reveal what to eat and what to avoid Here’s what to eat if you’re trying to get pregnant Trying to get pregnant? Foods to eat and avoid to boost fertility Wow! Who knew that your […]

Gestational diabetes increases risk for postpartum depression

Gestational diabetes increases risk of postpartum depression: image of silhouette of pregnant woman's torso and upper legs.

Researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and the Karolinska Institute have found that gestational diabetes raises the risk of postpartum depression (PPD) in first-time mothers. This is the largest study of its kind to date, including more than 700,000 women. The results were published online in the journal Depression and Anxiety. […]

Should you bank your baby’s cord blood?

Should you bank your baby's cord blood? Image of feet of newborn, with baby wrapped up in pink blanket

Expectant parents (including my own children) often ask me about banking their newborn’s cord blood. They see a lot of information about “cord blood banking” in their obstetricians offices, on the internet and via comments on their social media sites. The American Academy of Pediatrics released updated guidelines on “cord blood banking for potential future […]

Morning sickness doesn’t pose health threat for most pregnant women

Pregnant woman sitting in kitchen nauseous from morning sickness

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I’m 15 weeks pregnant and have had horrible morning sickness from the beginning of the pregnancy. I’ve lost weight and worry that will affect the baby’s health. I didn’t experience any morning sickness with my first pregnancy. Is this normal? What can I do to get back to eating […]

Are vaccines safe for pregnant moms?

Torso shot of pregnant woman sitting on couch with hands on stomach

The Kid’s Doctor August is National Immunization Awareness Month and a great time to discuss childhood vaccines, but it’s also a good time to discuss vaccines for adults. Adult vaccines help to protect our children, especially the Tdap vaccination during pregnancy. Immunizations may protect a newborn, and this is accomplished by immunizing the mother during […]

Research hints at a nutritional strategy for reducing autism risk

CloCould Carnitine could protect against Autism?se up neck-down shot of pregnant woman in white t-shirt sitting on couch holding a glass of milk

Folic acid has long been touted as an important supplement for women of childbearing age for its ability to prevent defects in the baby’s developing brain and spinal cord. In fact, folic acid is considered so important that it is added as a supplement to breads, pastas, rice and cereals to help ensure that women […]

Putting It to the Test

genetic DNA screenning

Navigating genetic screening before and during pregnancy Sequencing the human genome has led to new advances in genetic testing before and during pregnancy. With new, noninvasive technology, women have more choices—and more decisions—regarding their potential offspring and genetic mutations. Genetic testing became widely available with the completion of the Human Genome Project in the early 2000s. […]

Diagnostic approaches to female infertility

Fertilizing an egg

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: What kind of tests will help me find out why I am having trouble getting pregnant? A: Infertility affects about 15% of couples attempting pregnancy. The cause is found in the male about 20% of the time and in the female about 40% of the time. Factors […]

Varicose veins common during pregnancy

Pregnant woman massaging leg

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: Are there any risks for women with varicose veins during pregnancy? A: Varicose veins — veins swollen with blood that appear beneath the skin as swollen purple vessels — are more common during pregnancy. That’s because blood volume increases during pregnancy and the growing uterus places extra […]

Zika, Pregnancy and Microcephaly: What You Need to Know

Mosquito on skin

By Alicia Rohan www.awellnessupdate.com As concerns about the Zika virus rise among women of childbearing age in the United States, Joseph Biggio, M.D., director of the University of Alabama at Birmingham Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, wants those who are pregnant or trying to conceive to take precautions. Risks and recommendations The greatest risk for Zika […]

Why Pregnant Women Should Avoid Artificially Sweetened Beverages

Pregnant woman drinking a cup of tea by the window

By Claire McCarthy, M.D. Harvard Health Blog For a while now, research has shown that when pregnant women gain a lot of weight, they have heavier babies. And because heavier babies tend to grow into heavier children who tend to grow into heavier adults, it’s a good idea for pregnant women to try not to […]

Fertility advances bring help and hope

embryo silhouette in woman hand

Source: University of Alabama at Birmingham Medicine Sometimes it takes a little science to help fulfill a dream. At least that’s what it often feels like for people who turn to University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility for answers, help and hope. Now more of those dreams are coming true. […]

Yoga in pregnancy: Many poses are safer than once thought

Pregnant woman doing yoga

By Marlynn Wei, M.D., J.D. Prenatal yoga is typically gentle, with certain poses modified or avoided depending on the stage of pregnancy. But a new study, published recently in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, provides encouraging results that many yoga poses can be safe even during late stages of pregnancy. Testing the safety of various […]

Ovulation predictor kits can be useful for couples trying to conceive

Pregnancy test

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My husband and I are thinking about starting a family. We’re both in our late 30s and know it might take some time. Do ovulation predictor kits really work for people trying to conceive, or are they just a gimmick? Also, are there any tests you recommend before we start trying to […]

Asthma medicines during pregnancy generally safe

Pregnant woman holding pills and glass of water in hand

By Howard LeWine, M.D. Q: Can I continue to take my asthma medication if I am pregnant? A: It is important to keep your asthma under control during pregnancy, even if it means taking multiple medications. Most asthma medicines are thought to be safe to use. It is safer to take your asthma medicines than […]

Folic acid supplement prior to pregnancy can help ensure a healthy baby

Pregnant woman looking at her belly

By Howard LeWine, M.D. Q: I’m hoping to get pregnant later this year. I consider my diet to be well balanced. Do I also need additional vitamins? A: It’s terrific that you’re thinking about how to have a healthy baby before you become pregnant. Eating a diet loaded with fruits, vegetables and healthy grains is […]