Award Winning Health Journalism

A Beginner’s Guide to Running

People running. ’Go Run Chicago race. Photos courtesy of the Chicago Area Runners Association

Start slowly — you have to walk before you can run Evelyn Cato began her journey as a runner by walking. When she was young, her family didn’t emphasize exercise. And Cato, who’s Latina, says she never saw anyone who looked like her go running in her Humboldt Park neighborhood.  Then, two decades ago, Cato noticed her […]

Relieving pain for long-distance runners

Woman running outside

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am 42 and training for my first marathon. During my longer runs I have pretty significant hip and knee pain. Some runner friends advise that I just stretch more, and others say I need to do exercises to strengthen my ITB. What can I do to alleviate the pain? Is it […]

Getting Ready for Marathon Health

marathon runners legs

With the Chicago Marathon just two days away, the approximately 45,000 participants are as likely ready for the 26-mile run as they’ll ever be. But even the most prepared runner risks injury. Chicago Health spoke with Lowell Weil, Sr., MD, of the Weil Foot and Ankle Institute about the top five injuries that runners—marathoners or […]